Period of notice
We ask that all dancers complete their period of notice. Dancers are welcome to attend all lessons during their 1 full months notice period. Your notice period commences on the 1st of the
following month from the date you submit written notice. Thank you for your cooperation.
The safety of children is paramount. In order to protect any children in our care we have a duty to:
* Request that parents notify us of any existing injuries or health issues at the earliest opportunity.
* Request that parents keep us informed of their child's emotional well-being, ie, inform us of any changes in families circumstances that may affect a child's behaviour.
* Any accidents are logged in our 'accident book'.
* Fire exits are explained and clearly marked.
Our pupils must be collected from the premises immediately after class. Please make contact if you are going to be late. No dancers should be left unsupervised before or after class. Please
inform us of any change of address / contact number. It is extremely important for us to contact you at all times. Please be assured that all information given to us regarding yourself and your child
is strictly confidential.
The Dance Factory Safe Guarding Policy
The Dance Factory will safe guard children by:
*Valuing, listening to and respecting them.
*Providing effective management through supervision, training and development.
*Ensuring safer recruitment, selection and vetting of employees.
*Ensuring that parental consent is always be given before the use of filming or photography.
*Ensuring that any events ie: The annual 'Dance Infinity' show are chaperoned appropriately, following The Somerset County Council 'Children in Entertainment' rules and regulations.
The Dance Factory Code of Conduct
TDF dancers and families are expected to conduct themselves in a sensible and considerate manner while on and around The Dance Factory premises. We ask that noise levels are kept to a minimum
while other classes are taking place.
TDF will not tollerate bullying and will address any situations that occur in a professional manner. Parents will always be informed at the earliest opportunities.
TDF follows the Royal Academy of Dance code of conduct.
All Dance Factory choreography is strictly copyright. Any pupil wishing to use our choreography must ask permission before doing so.