TDF take great pride in presenting ourselves. We continue to set high standards of disciplined and well presented dancers.
It is important to arrive ready to dance and in a focused mindset. Dancers are expected to attend their dance classes in the correct uniform. This includes the correct footwear, socks, tights and neatly styled hair. We ask that our dancers clearly name their uniform and keep their belongings together and safe in a suitable bag.
For Ballet, Pointe Work, Lyrical and Acrobatic Arts we expect hair to be in a classical bun. For all other classes it is important for hair to be tied up and not restricting a dancers movement, or causing distraction to their focus.
Jewellery and watches are not to be worn in class. We ask that any piercings that cannot be removed are covered with tape before entering class.
A full up to date list of TDF class uniform requirements is available upon request. Details on how to order TDF uniform is also available.